Action in the community to support, inform and represent.


The council runs a range of initiatives that support the wider Wellington communities.

Activities are fully volunteer led and run by members and their faith communities.

Sharing talks & being on panels

Sharing and educating the wider community about interfaith and about religion. We are available to speak at any community event or classroom, email us if you’d like our members to support your interfaith events or sessions.

Vigils & rememberance

We support commemorative and remembrance events such ANZAC Day, Holocaust Day and the anniversary of the Christchurch Attacks on 15 March 2019.

Representing issues

Raising issues and concerns to decision makers at national and local levels, and ensuring our faith communities are heard, and that our advice is valued and considered.

Attending Wellington citizenship ceremonies

Our faith leaders are invited to attend monthly Wellington Citizenship ceremonies, to welcome new Wellingtonians to our city.

Observing international events

Acknowledging United Nations, we hold events and initiatives to mark World Religion Day; World Interfaith Harmony Week; and Week of Prayer for World Peace.

Women’s gatherings

Women members of the council come together to unite and bring together women across faiths to empower and discuss issues. Women’s conferences have been held in the Wellington region bi-annually.


Interested in our work?

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